Aldo shoes Aldo shoes

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With over 45 years of practice, the ALDO Group is a global leader in making and selling sought-after footwear and additional brands. aldo shoes Started and headquartered in Montreal, Canada, the ALDO Set ranks among the world’s top fashion sellers.

With 3,000 factories of sale in more than 100 states, the ALDO Group runs under two name sorts, Aldo and Call It Coil, along with the multi-brand retail idea, GLOBO. To care for its wide global net, the ALDO Group has proven offices, supply centers, and firms with universal plants.

The ALDO Group is intensely committed to business social responsibility and actively employed to enrich local groups. This frank yet powerful idea has driven the constant novelty and success of the ALDO Group.


The ALDO Group knows the risks of servitude, servitude and required labor, human trading, and other forms of new slavery in the retail business and its supply chain. We are committed to certifying that our business practices promote social health and positively impact the states where we work.

Our Code of Mien and vendor physical outline the foods and best practices that all our sellers and their shops must adhere to, with service standards, legal passivity, and eco friendly protection. The ALDO Group’s Code of Conduct clearly bars the use of child or required labor and any form of force, abuse, or irritation. It also orders that our trade partners cooperate with works that comply with legal foods in any state where they activate and meet or exceed our ideals.


The ALDO Group often audits active works to ensure they comply with the values drawn in our Code of Behavior and vendor physicals. These audits include both said and surprise on-site checks, as well as on-site and off-site debates with factory hands, shown by free checking firms and our Social Obedience team. Any cases of non-agreement are addressed through a helpful action plan.

Aldo shoes
Aldo shoes

The ALDO Set takes pride in the following activities:

In 2018, a total of 338 audits were shown, with 71% being semi-said.

Every new factory must feel a pre-approval procedure aligned with the Code of Mien and prove passivity before making orders can be placed.

Exploring forced labor is a key section of our audit policy.

Close talks with factory employees and running are required during every audit.

Recruitment and compensation practices are reviewed as part of the factory audit.

Subjects that pose a plain threat to the safety or lives of shop workers, with forced, traded, and required or prison labor, are closely addressed with all investors involved.

As part of our checking and proof programs, the Social Obedience team is skilled to uphold the mission, values, and values outlined in our Code of Behavior. Their visits to shops ensure that the code’s supplies are combined and kept, and that any moot behavior is stated.

The ALDO Group stresses a joint approach when applying corrective actions. If a fitting resolution is not reached within the agreed timeframe or is thought difficult, the ALDO Group funds the right to fire the business bond with non-biddable vendors.


Our vow to ensure that workers comply with legal foods, uphold our ideals, and provide a safe and healthy work setting for all workers extends beyond nursing and on-site audits. The ALDO Group actively encourages factories to take possession of their sustainability recital by offering regulation, training manuals, and easing workshops that speak modern supply chain tests.

In 2018, the ALDO Group’s social obedience team, along with outdoor mentors, trained 111 shops on many topics such as employed hours, wages and doles, and modern slavery in regular face-to-face shops held during the year.


The ALDO Group is a proud and active fellow of the Supportable Apparel Union, which focuses on raising the Higgy Index—an even tool for gaging the green, social, and labor powers within the apparel and footwear industry. By gaging the sustainability act, the ALDO Group aims to eliminate speech ineptitudes, eliminate harmful behaviors, and achieve the level of green and social slide that clients demand. Cooperating with the Workable Apparel Union enables us to tackle urgent, total challenges that cannot be cracked in isolation.

The ALDO Group is unceasingly seeking ways to address this dangerous global and multi-sector issue. We are loyal to advancing our wits in modern slavery anticipation by providing further control and support to our supply chains.

To learn more about our social and green partnerships, policies, vows, and growth, we invite you to visit responsibility.aldo


The ALDO Group has reputed itself as a global leader in the footwear and fixtures industry by ranking ethical sourcing, sustainability, and social duty.

Through hard factory audits, full training programs, and active sharing in initiatives like the Viable Apparel Union, the firm reveals its vow to improving the lives of hands and continuing shot in its supply chain. By nonstop striving to address modern supply chain tests and uphold high ethical morals, the ALDO Group not only meets user prospects but also sets a standard for corporate charges in the fashion business.


What are the core products under the ALDO shoes Collection?

The ALDO shoses runs under two crossbrands, Aldo shoes and Call It Coil, and also runs a multi-brand retail idea called GLOBO.

How does the ALDO shoes Collection ensure passivity with ethical sourcing?

The ALDO shoes ensures obedience by leading regular audits of shops, both said and surprise, and by following the rules outlined in their Code of Manner and vendor guide. These include strict bans against forced labor, kid labor, and any form of abuse or pestering.

What actions does the ALDO take if a factory is non-obedient?

If a shop is found to be non-biddable, the ALDO shoes tools a corrective act plan. If the issue is not resolved within the agreed timeframe, or if resolution is terrible, the ALDO shoes Group asserts the right to fire the business bond with the vendor.

How does the ALDO care about the sustainability efforts of its partners?

The ALDO shoes supports sustainability labors by providing guidance, training guides, and easing shops that help factories speak modern supply chain tests. In 2018, they skilled 111 shops on various topics,aldo shoes as modern bondage and fair labor do.

What role does the ALDO shoes Set play in the Workable Apparel Coalition?

The ALDO shoes Group is an active fellow of the Bearable Apparel Coalition, responsible for the growth of the Higg Index, a tool used to measure the green, social, and labor effects within the wear and footwear trade. This alliance helps the ALDO shoes Group talk about systemic tests in sustainability.

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